Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Comments on Vote NO to Proposition 2

Ever since the issue of Proposition 2 was brought up in Austin City, we have been hearing “ye” or “Nay” uncountable times. It was a good article from JBT's Blog Bleeds Burnt Orange. Everyone has to be very clear what Proposition 2 is all about. Proposition 2 forbids the city from offering tax incentives to developers and prevents the city from honoring its existing agreements to pay rebate sales taxes. In her blog, Julie brought up a good point whether or not we should support building Domain, a large size mall her in Austin.

I agree with what she says about finding everything we can think of: decent shops, decent restaurants, without having to travel New York. It does help Austin City by increasing employment. The only concern I have for not approving Proposition 2 is risk of losing small business and existing mall because of high competition. Overall, the city will wind up with same number of employee and giving away someone else business to the new one. Therefore, before we vote against Proposition 2, we have to think about the long term consequence of the local businesses that have been giving services to local people for decades.

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